This model of the Airless iCon pump series is characterized by a ratio of 32:1. The fluid output is 3.6 l/min at a max pressure of 224 bar. Ideal for high pressure applications.
It is suitable for many applications areas of the industrial sector. Ideal for wood or metal painting, exterior frames or boat repairs. Being available with either Hopper set or Suction tube plus the optional wall mount, you'll find exactly what you need.
Another strong point for our Icon pump series is their excellent reliability. Paired with the fact that they are easy to disassemble, maintain and re-assemble, they'll not fail to convince.
Features & Highlights


Air Regulator Set Air Motor Set Paint Filter Set Fluid Pump Set Cart Set Suction Hose Set
Safety ValveUL30036000 Nipple04444910 T Adaptor04444850 Panel04445640 Elbow Union04444930 Reducer04444860 Special NippleUL30010501 Elbow Joint04445650 Top Mounting Ring04444830 Female Adaptor04444950 Air Hose04444670 Elbow Male Adaptor04444920 Elbow Male Adaptor04444940 Pressure Gauge04444650 3-Way Valve04444840 Air Regulator04444800 Exhaust Filter 04447820
Bottom Module94944860 Metal Ø 18 X Ø 25 X L25 + Seeger 94944870 "U" Packing + Seeger 94946600 Air Piston94944900 Piston Rod94944910 'O' Ring Ø 5.34 X Ø 113.704944980 Washer M14 (2 Pcs.) 96471142 Self Locking Hex. Nut M1404944960 Cylinder94944880 'O' Ring Set Ø 3 X Ø 119.5 (2 Pcs.)94944990 Pilot Air Hose (2 Pcs.) + 'O' Ring (4 Pcs.)94939320 'O' Ring Ø 1.5 X Ø 6.5 (4 Pcs.)96637607 'O' Ring Ø 1.5 X Ø 6.5 (4 Pcs.)96637607 Head Module94944920 Bolt M8 X L180 (4 Pcs.) + Nut M10 (4 Pcs.) + Spring Washer M10 (4 Pcs.)94944970 Bolt M8 X L180 (4 Pcs.) + Nut M10 (4 Pcs.) + Spring Washer M10 (4 Pcs.)94944970 Module Packing Set (2 Pcs.)94939350 Bolt With Hex. Hole Set M5xl35 (2 Pcs.)94939520 Sub Plate Packing04939340 Sub Plate94939330 Air Operating Valve + Sub Plate Packing94946720 Bolt With Hex. Hole Set M5x75 (4 Pcs.)94939530 Pump Stay "L" 04944950 Pump Stay "R"04944940 Bolt M8x16 (4 Pcs.) + Spring Washer M8 (4 Pcs.)94939490 Cylinder Cover94447830 Double Action Pilot Valve94946710
Body0457000200 Cylinder0457000100 Cylinder0457000100 Nut0457000400 'O' Ring06639045 Filter 100 Mesh VFM2503 Nipple R 1/4” M- R 3/8” MUL300453 Drain Valve G 1/4” FfUL30090100 Hose Joint R 1/4”M - M8x6UL300302 Union Joint Mf 3/8”UL300402 Fluid Output Joint M 3/8” - G 1/4” MUL30046300
Suction Tube With Flange04002100 Suction Connector94943910 Spring Holder04944740 Packing Nut Kit (Packing Nut+’O’ Ring)940176A0 Upper Packings Kit (“V” Packings Pe 3 Pcs. + Ptfe 2 Pcs.)04002040 Thinner Cup04938490 Upper “V” Packing Female Adaptor04943990 Upper “V” Packing Male Adaptor04943960 Lower Spring04944720 Lower “V” Packing Female Adaptor04944810 Lower Packings Kit (“V” Packings Pe 3 Pcs. + Ptfe 2 Pcs.)04002060 Lower “V” Packing Male Adaptor04944840 Suction Tube Packing04000240 Suction Rod94944750 Ball 1/2”06662040 Valve Seat04944780 Valve Holder Packing04944770 Ball Guide04944790 Valve Holder04944760 ‘O’ Ring Ø 2 X Ø 1304944800 Valve Adaptor04943920 Valve Seat04943930 Ball 5/8”06662050 Ball Guide04943940 Adaptor Packing04943950 ‘O’ Ring Ø 2.5 X Ø 1704946590
Air Motor Set For Icon-A333N04946750 Connecting Rod04938220 Fluid Pump Set For Icon-M333N04946760 Spring Washer - M1206362120 Hex. Nut - M1206361121 Couplings (2 Pcs.) + Bolt With Hexagon Hole (2 Pcs.)94943870 Bolt With Hex. Hole (2 Pcs.) - M4x2094939540 Rod Cover04938240 Fluid Output Packing04938260 Fluid Output Joint04938250
Cart Frame94445680 Handle Frame04444730 Wheel Washer04445720 Wheel Washer04445720 Bolt With Hex. Hole M804447890 Hex. Nut M806361081 Washer M806363080 Socket Button Head Screw (4 Pcs.)94444790 Self Locking Ring04447900 Air Regulator Set (1 Pc.) + Socket Button Head Screw (4 Pcs.)94445790
Suction Hose Set - 15 Mesh - For Icon-M433N & Icon-A433N94444750 Filter 15 Mesh04444760